sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012
PSN se chamará Sony Entertainment Network
Desde Setembro de 2011, a Sony tem feito diversas mudanças na PSN. Depois de mudar os termos do serviço, a Sony revelou em 2011 que a PSN vai deixar de existir e agora vai se chamar Sony Entertainment Network.

Assim as contas de utilizadores passarão a ser chamadas de "Sony Entertainment Network account" ou apenas de "SEN account", a partir do dia 8 de Fevereiro. Estas mudanças ocorrerão só no PlayStation 3 e no PS Vita, já deixando de fora o PSP.
Além do nome não haverá qualquer necessidade por parte dos jogadores mudarem alguma coisa, muito menos as senhas. Um dos objetivos desta mudança, de acordo com a Sony, é conseguir colocar na mesma rede jogos, músicas, filmes e muitas mais coisas.
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Os 10 melhores comerciais do Super Bowl 2012
10. Thing Called Love – Samsung Mobile USA
This one started strong then kind of fell apart, but we think there’s a brilliant 30-second lift in there. Here’s the full monty:
9. The Dog Strikes Back – Volkswagen
We wouldn’t have put this on the list for its concept alone, but a licensed Star Wars reference will get you far. This wasn’t the best, but it at least deserves to be in the top ten, right?
8. Performance Basketball – Bridgestone
These spots were both real sleepers, but we had to give the top-ten slot to this one for the silent basketball bit. The “sleeping baby” test is pure gold. We hope people watched these, they might be the most under-appreciated spots of the game.
7. Happy Grad – Chevy
The most remarkable thing about this spot is that it was a contest entry, and therefor we presume was made with no budget to speak of whatsoever. Hope those actors had decent contracts in place in case of air-play! Probably the straight-up funniest spot of the game.
6. Reinvented – Toyota Camry
Funny spot, though there’s no real content to it as far as what they reinvented on the Camry. It seems like all they did is reinvent the Camry’s marketing effort, which is fine by us today since this is a Super Bowl commercial blog.
5. A Dream Car. For Real Life – Kia Optima
We’re not sure anyone would call an Optima a “dream car”, but this was certainly a dream commercial. The only reason this doesn’t rank higher on our list is because there’s not enough Adriana Lima.
4. 2012 – Chevy Silverado
End-of-the-world references mixed with jabs at your competition… what’s not to like here? It’s a funny spot, but the photography and overall look and feel of the ad is amazing.
3. Transactions – Acura
Better known as “that one with Jerry Seinfeld”, we feel pretty confident that Seinfeld’s salary for this exceeded the rest of the budget, including airtime, combined. It’s witty and intelligent, with the only wart being having to look at Leno’s face at the end. Could have ended it better.
2. Matthew’s Day Off – Honda
This is a tough one: there is probably a sizable chunk of the viewing audience that will not understand most of the references in this spot. And if you don’t understand the references, this commercial is meaningless-slash-terrible. Too bad because for us, today, it’s the number two commercial and an ad to remember.
1. It’s Halftime in America – Chrysler
You had to know this would be number one, right? It’s a two-minute tribute to America, with Clint Eastwood as our gristled cheerleader. It’s a great speech with even better delivery, and the closing lines at the end are inspiring.
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sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012
Lançamento Gotham City Impostors
A Warner Bros. finalmente confirmou a data de lançamento de Gotham City Impostors. Os usuários da América do Norte poderão baixar o game na PSN e PC no dia 7 de fevereiro. Somente no dia seguinte é que os jogadores de outras regiões e da Live poderão baixar o jogo. Gotham City Impostors sai para Xbox Live, PSN e PC.
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Edição Limitada de Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
A Capcom revelou a Edição Limitada de Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City que será vendida exclusivamente pelo site e-Capcom. A Edição especial inclui uma caixa especial, um livro de arte com 40 páginas, um DVD com os trailers e making of, e ainda dois itens da U.S.S. Tudo isto custará 9.490 ienes (cerca de 95 euros).Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City chega em Março para PS3 e Xbox 360.
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